Tuesday, 5 November 2013

The Prophet Haggai

After 50 years of exile in Babylon, King Darius let the Israelites return home to Jerusalem.

When the people returned, they saw desolation and destruction: the city walls were in ruin, their homes were destroyed, the temple had been raised to the ground.

For twenty years the people rebuilt their homes.  But when Haggai the prophet came he said to the King and the Priest and the remnant of the people:

Sing a new song to the Lord; for he has done marvelous things!

"Who is left among you that saw this house in its former glory?  How does it look to you now?  Is it not in your sight as nothing?"

Sing a new song to the Lord; for he has done marvelous things!

"Take courage!  Take courage!  Take courage!" said Haggai, "And work!  For God is with you.  According to the promise God made to you when he brought you up out of Egypt.  God's spirit is among you!  Don't be afraid!"

Sing a new song to the Lord; for he has done marvelous things!

"I will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry land;  I will shake all the nations, so that the treasure of all nations will come;  and I will fill this house with splendor, says the Lord of hosts.  Silver is mine; Gold is mine, says the Lord of hosts.  The latter glory of this house will be greater than the former, says the Lord of hosts.  And in this place, I will give prosperity, says the Lord of hosts!"

Sing a new song to the Lord; for he has done marvelous things!

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Daniel had a dream

"No! No! No!"
"Yes! Yes!  Yes!"

Daniel was a wise prophet who always prayed to God and kept God's laws.  When God called on Daniel, Daniel always said, Yes!  Yes!  Yes!  When foolish kings tried to stop Daniel from acknowledging his God, Daniel always said, No!  No!  No!

One night, Daniel had a dream and he wrote it down.

The waters were stirred up by a mighty wind and four great horrific beasts rose from the deeps.  No!  No!  No!
One was like a lion with eagles' wings that walked like a human on two feet.  No!  No!  No!
The second was like a bear with three tusks in its mouth.  No!  No!  No!
The third was like a leopard with four wings of a black bird and four heads.  No!  No!  No!
The fourth was terrifying and dreadful beyond description, exceedingly strong.  It had great teeth that were devouring and breaking and feet that were stomping and crushing.  It had ten horns and spoke arrogantly.  No!  No!  No!

The four beasts took dominion over the land and ruled it with terror.  No!  No!  No!

As Daniel watched the Ancient of One, dressed in pure white with hair like wool,  took his seat upon a great throne.   From the Ancient One radiated fire and light.  The Ancient One was attended by thousands and tens of thousands who sang praises and bowed down before him.
The Thousands and tens of thousands bowed to the Ancient One and said, Yes!  Yes!  Yes!
The Ancient looked out over the thousands and tens of thousands attending him.  The Ancient One said, Yes!  Yes!  Yes!
The Ancient One looked out over the sea and all creation and said, Yes!  Yes!  Yes! 
The Ancient One held court, opened the books and sitting in judgement said, Yes!  Yes!  Yes!

The Ancient One looked to the beast that had risen from the deeps and said, No!  No!  No!

As Daniel watched the great beast was put to death and the beast cried out, No!  No!  No!

But the thousands and tens of thousands cried out, Yes!  Yes!  Yes!

Dominion was taken away from the other four beasts and the beasts cried out, No!  No! No!

But the thousands and tens of thousands cried out, Yes!  Yes!  Yes!

As Daniel's dream continued, he saw one like a human being coming with the clouds of heaven.  And he came to the Ancient One and was presented before him.  He bowed to the Ancient One and said, Yes!  Yes!  Yes!

To him was given dominion and glory and kingship.  His dominion is an everlasting dominion that shall not pass away, and his kingship is one that shall never be destroyed.  And the thousands and tens of thousands said, Yes!  Yes!  Yes!

Daniel was trouble for the visions terrified him.  So he approached on of the attendants to ask him concerning the dream and he said, "As for these four great beasts, trouble and pain, power and suffering, wealth and greed, oppression and hunger will come and go from the earth.  Kingdoms and empires, dynasties and alliances all come to an end.  But God's love is forever and the holy ones of the Most High shall rule forever and ever, without end."

And the thousands and tens of thousands say, Yes!  Yes!  Yes!

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

The Pharisee and the Tax Collector

Jesus had been teaching about the Kingdom of God.  Mostly he had been teaching how the Kingdom of God was nothing like what people assumed it was like.  It wasn't a place that one could "get into"; Jesus said it was already among us.  There were no signs that would tell us when it was coming; we wouldn't understand the signs if there were.  We would long to see the Kingdom of God, but it wouldn't appear to us, but then when we least expected it, we would be there.  Jesus asserted that we must, like the persistent widow, pray always and never lose heart.

Jesus noticed that some of the people listening to him were very self assured.  The Pharisees thought that because they followed all the rules from the Bible exactly the way they read them and that because they were direct descendants from Abraham, they didn't have to worry about the Kingdom of God.  The Pharisees thought they were righteous enough and didn't have to listen to Jesus.  But they treated other people, poor people, uneducated people, people who were not as religious, and people who had different ethnic and religious backgrounds with contempt.

So Jesus told this parable:

"Two men went up to the temple to pray.  One was a Pharisee and the other a Tax collector.  The Pharisee knew he was well respected.  But everyone hates a Tax Collector.

"The Pharisee stood aside and prayed aloud, 'Lord, I'm so glad that I am better than other people…"

"While the Tax collector prayed, 'Into your hands I place my life, O God; to you, I give my soul.'

"The Pharisee prayed out loud, 'Lord, I'm glad I'm not like thieves, rogues or adulterers!'

"While the Tax collector prayed, 'Into your hands I place my life, O God; to you, I give my soul.'

"The Pharisee prayed out loud, 'Lord, I'm glad I'm not like this worthless Tax Collector who takes money from Jews and gives it to the Romans while pocketing a large cut for himself!'

"While the Tax collector prayed, 'Into your hands I place my life, O God; to you, I give my soul.'

"The Pharisee prayed out loud, 'Lord, I'm glad I'm not like other people who are gluttons and drunks and have no self-control; I fast twice a week!'

"While the Tax collector prayed, 'Into your hands I place my life, O God; to you, I give my soul.'

"The Pharisee prayed out loud, 'Lord, I'm glad I'm not like people who are cheep and selfish and do not honour your presence: I give a tenth of all my income to the Temple!'

"While the Tax collector prayed, 'Into your hands I place my life, O God; to you, I give my soul.'

"It is the Tax Collector rather than the Pharisee who is in right relationship with God.  Because those who exalt themselves will be humbled and those who humble themselves will be exalted."

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

The Widow Said

Jesus had just told Pharisees that they will not know when the Kingdom of God is coming.  It would come, not with things that could be seen, because it is already among them. 

Then Jesus told the disciples that the day would come when they would long to see the coming of the Son of Man, but they would not see it.  Jesus told them that everything would seem just as always: people would eat and drink, get married and have babies, work and plant, build and sleep and suddenly, without any warning, everything would be different.  Some people would see and some people wouldn't.  This made the disciples anxious and frightened.

So Jesus told them this parable.  He said,

"You must do as the widow did.  The widow said:

I will pray and trust in God.

"In a certain city there was a judge who neither feared God nor had respect for people.  In that same city, there was a widow.  The widow wanted justice against her opponent so she went to the Judge.  But the Judge wouldn't listen to her.  And the widow said:

I will pray and trust in God.

"So the widow returned to the judge day after day.  And each day the judge refused to hear her case.  And each day the widow said:

I will pray and trust in God.

"Day after day after day the widow returned to the judge.  And day after day after day the judge turned her away.  And day after day after day the widow said:

I will pray and trust in God.

"This went on for a long time.  The widow making her plea, the judge refusing her and the widow saying:

I will pray and trust in God.

"Finally, the judge said to himself, 'Though I have no fear of God and no respect for anyone, yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will grant her justice, so that she may not wear me out by continually coming.'

The widow rejoiced and said:

I will pray and trust in God!

"Listen to what the judge says," said Jesus.  "And will not God grant justice to the chosen ones who cry out day and night?  Will God delay long in helping them?  I tell you, God will quickly grant justice to them.  And yet, when the Kingdom of God comes, will God find people who pray and trust in God?"

And so when we are feeling fear and doubt, anxiety and injustice, frustration and oppression, may we have the faith the widow had, may we do as the widow did and may we pray as the widow said:

I will pray and trust in God.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

A Sign from Heaven

When I say each of the following words, you respond with the appropriate response. 
Crowd: "Grumble, Grumble, Grumble"
Jesus: "Teacher! Rabbi!"
Sign: "Slow Down: Proceed with Caution!"
Bread: "Mmmm, Yum!"
Moses: "Holy Moses!"
Manna: "What's that?"
Heaven: "Alleluia!"

A sign from heaven.  After eating their fill of bread and fish the crowd went looking for Jesus.  When they found him on the other side of the Sea, the crowd said to Jesus, "Rabbi, when did you come over here?"  Jesus answered them, "Very truly, I tell you,  you are looking for me, not because you saw a sign, but because you ate your fill of bread.  Do not work for food that perishes, but for the food that endures for eternal life."  The crowd said to him, "What sign are you going to give us then, so that we may see it and believe you?  Our ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness; as it is written, 'Moses gave them manna from heaven to eat."  Then Jesus said to them, "Very truly, I tell you, it was not Moses who gave you Manna from Heaven, but it was my Father who gives you true bread from heaven.  For the bread of God is that which comes down from heaven and gives life to the world."  The crowd said to Jesus, "Sir, give us this bread from heaven always!"  Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life.  Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty."

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

A Song of Great Sadness

Today we hear a sad song from the book of Lamentations about at time when the city of Jerusalem was conquered and her people were taken away into exile.  So the city itself is depicted as grieving.  But in the distance, we can hear the echo of a promise remembered.  When I say, "We remember…" You recite the response printed in you bulletin.  At first we will whisper it as a tiny echo from a long ways away, but as we repeat it we will get louder each time until we say it loud and confidently at the end.

A city that once was full of people, now sits lonely on a hill!  How like a widow she has become, she who was great among the nations.  But we remember...

The steadfast love of God never ceases; God's mercies never come to an end

She who was a princess among the provinces has become a servant.  She weeps bitterly in the night, with tears on her cheeks, among all her lovers, she has no one to comfort her; all her friends have dealt treacherously with her, they have become her enemies.  Judah has gone into exile with suffering and hard servitude; she lives now among strangers and finds no resting place; her pursuers have all overtaken her in the midst of her distress.  But we remember...

The steadfast love of God never ceases; God's mercies never come to an end

The roads to Jerusalem mourn, for no one comes to the festivals; all her gates are desolate, her priests groan; her young girls grieve, her lot is bitter.  Her foes have become her masters, her enemies prosper, because the Lord has let her suffer: she would not care for the widow, the orphan, the alien, or the sick and she embraced politics, gold and deceit rather than the love of God.  But we remember...

The steadfast love of God never ceases; God's mercies never come to an end

Her children have gone away, captives before the foe.  All her majesty has departed Jerusalem.  Her princes have become like stags that find no pasture; they fled without strength before the pursuer.  But we remember...

The steadfast love of God never ceases; God's mercies never come to an end

God's mercies are new every morning; God's Faithfulness is great.  The Lord is our portion.  We hope in God.  The Lord is good to those who wait for him and to the soul that seeks him.  It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of God.   And we remember...

The steadfast love of God never ceases; God's mercies never come to an end

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

The Rich Man and Lazarus

When each of the cue words is said, the congregation/audience replies with the corresponding words in bold.
Rich Man: Boo!  Hiss!
Lazarus: "Scratch, scratch, scratch!
Abraham: "Father Abraham!"
Moses: [crackle paper]
Prophets: "Change your ways!  Change your ways!"

The following is a work of fiction.  It is a parable and a metaphor.  Any resemblance to real people or events is entire coincidental.  But may the listener be ware lest these events happen to you!

There was a Rich Man who dressed in purple and fine linen and who feasted sumptuously every day.  At his gate lay a poor man named Lazarus, who was covered in sores, who longed to satisfy his hunger with what fell from the Rich Man's table; even the dogs would come and lick his sores.  Though the Rich Man knew the laws of Moses, and heard the cries of the prophets, he did not share his comfort and wealth.

Lazarus died and was carried away by the angels to be with Abraham.  The Rich Man also died and was buried.

In the underworld, where he was being tormented, the Rich Man looked up and saw Abraham far away with Lazarus comfortably by his side.

The Rich Man called out, "Father Abraham, have mercy on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am in agony in these flames." 

But Abraham said, "Child, remember that during your lifetime you received your good things, and Lazarus in like manner evil things; but now he is comforted here and you are in agony."

The Rich Man said, "Then, Father Abraham, I beg you to send Lazarus to my father's house - for I have five brothers - that he may warn them, so that they will not also fall into torment."

Abraham replied, "They have Moses and the prophets; they should listen to them."

But the Rich Man said, "No, Father Abraham; but if someone goes to them from the dead, they will change their ways."

And Abraham replied, "If they do not listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they be convinced even if someone rises from the dead."

Monday, 16 September 2013

Jeremiah Cried

Jeremiah cried: My joy is gone, grief is upon me, my heart is sick.

Armies came and destroyed the Northern Kingdom of Israel.    The people were carried away by the armies to far off places, away from their homes, their families, their temples and their lands.  Jeremiah heard the cry of his poor people who had been taken away into exile and he cried:

My joy is gone, grief is upon me, my heart is sick.

God had made a promise to the people, but the people did not keep their promise to God.  "Is there no King in Jerusalem?" Jeremiah wondered.  "Do the people not know that God has kept the promise?   Why do they turn away from God?"  So Jeremiah cried:

My joy is gone, grief is upon me, my heart is sick.

The people prayed to other God's: they trusted in armies and weapons not the Lord; they  relied on politicians and alliances not promise of God; they invested in economies not prayers; they believed in the work of their own hands more than God's wonders.  Jeremiah saw this and cried:

My joy is gone, grief is upon me, my heart is sick.

Even the priests, the leaders and the kings could not be trusted.  They lied and cheated, and betrayed their trusts.  They made no healing balm, but only poison.  Physicians caused pain instead of restoration.  And Jeremiah cried:

My joy is gone, grief is upon me, my heart is sick.

"For the hurt of my people," said Jeremiah.  "I am hurt, I mourn, and dismay has taken hold of me."  Jeremiah cried:

My joy is gone, grief is upon me, my heart is sick.

"O that my head were a spring of water, and my eyes a fountain of tears, so that I might weep day and night for the slain of my poor people!"

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Prologue to Creation

When I say, " Jeremiah looked and saw," you may respond by saying, "God was there!"  And you can say that with as much conviction as you like.

Jeremiah was a prophet and as a prophet he spoke for God.

"Listen!" Jeremiah said. "My people are foolish, they do not know God; they are stupid children and have no understanding.  They are skilled in doing evil, and do not know how to do good."

"Look," Jeremiah said.  "A strong wind comes from the north.  Not a wind that winnows or refreshes, it is too strong for that.  It is a wind that ravages and lays waste!"

Jeremiah looked into the strong wind and saw: God was there!

Jeremiah watched as all creation was laid waste before the wind.  "Look to the earth!" he said.  "It is waste and void, as it was in the beginning, before God started creating.  Look to the heavens!  They have no light!"

Jeremiah looked and saw: God was there!

Jeremiah looked on the mountains and they were quaking and the hills moved to and fro.

Jeremiah looked and saw: God was there!

Jeremiah looked and there were no people, all the birds of the air had fled.

Jeremiah looked and saw: God was there!

Jeremiah looked and land that had once been fruitful was desert and cities were laid in ruin.

Jeremiah looked and saw: God was there!

"The whole land shall be a desolation," said Jeremiah.  "The earth shall mourn, even the heavens above will grow black.  God has spoken; God has purposed; God will not relent or turn back."

In the midst of the desolation, in the midst of despair and hopelessness, In the midst of destruction and betrayal,  Jeremiah looked and saw: God was there!

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Down to the Potter's House

This is an interactive story with responses and actions.  Each time I say one of the following words, you do the corresponding action and say the corresponding words:

Jeremiah: [shrug shoulders] "I'm too young!"
The Lord: [jazz hands] "Praise the Lord!"
Word: [raise hand with fingers in a "W"] "Word!"
Potter: [patty cake 3x] "Slap!  Slap!  Slap!"                 
House of Israel: [cover ears with hands] "We're not listening"
The Lord, saw that the House of Israel, was not listening to the promise.  The House of Israel had abandoned the Word of The Lord, and was neglecting sick, ignoring the grieving, oppressing the poor and exploiting weak.
So The Lord spoke to Jeremiah, "Go down to the potter's house, and there you will hear my word."
So Jeremiah went down to the potter's house and there, saw him working on his wheel.  The vessel he was making of clay was spoiled in his hands so the potter reworked the clay into another vessel, as seemed good to him.
Then the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah, "Can I not do the same with you, O House of Israel, just as the potter has done?" Says the Lord,  "Just like the clay in the potter's hand, so you are in my hand, O House of Israel!  At one moment, I may declare concerning a nation or a kingdom, that I will pluck up and break down and destroy it, but if that nation, concerning which I have spoken, turns from its evil, I will change my mind about the disaster that I intended to bring on it.  And at another moment I may declare concerning a nation or a kingdom that I will build and plant it, but if it does evil in my sight, not listening to my word, then I will change my mind about the good that I had intended to do to it.
Therefore, Jeremiah, declare to the House of Israel, "Thus says the Lord, 'Look, I am a potter shaping evil against you and devising a plan against you.  Turn now, House of Israel, from your evil ways."
This is the word of the Lord.

Monday, 2 September 2013

Jesus Sent Us

This is a repeat after me song...

[start rhythmically slapping legs to a walking stride.  Resume the slapping stride with the refrain after doing the actions for each of the verses]
Jesus sent us off one day...
To preach, to heal, to share, to pray...
Jesus sent us every place...
To share God's mercy, love and grace...
Leave behind your money [mime taking out your wallet and setting it down]

Jesus sent us off one day...
To preach, to heal, to share, to pray...
Jesus sent us every place...
To share God's mercy, love and grace..

Leave behind your money [mime taking out your wallet and setting it down]
Leave behind your bags [mime taking off a backpack and setting it down]

Jesus sent us off one day...
To preach, to heal, to share, to pray...
Jesus sent us every place...
To share God's mercy, love and grace...
Leave behind your money...
Leave behind your bags...
Take off your sandals [mime taking off your shoes]
Jesus sent us off one day...
To preach, to heal, to share, to pray...
Jesus sent us every place...
To share God's mercy, love and grace...
Leave behind your money...
Leave behind your bags...
Take off your sandals...
[Shout] "Peace be with you!"
Jesus sent us off one day...
To preach, to heal, to share, to pray...
Jesus sent us every place...
To share God's mercy, love and grace...
Leave behind your money...
Leave behind your bags...
Take off your sandals...
"Peace be with you!"
[Make a large welcoming come over gesture, ending with your hands on your hips] "Come and stay a while, eat your fill!"

Jesus sent us off one day...
To preach, to heal, to share, to pray...
Jesus sent us every place...
To share God's mercy, love and grace...
Leave behind your money...
Leave behind your bags...
Take off your sandals...
"peace be with you!"
"Come and stay a while, eat your fill!"
Cure the sick, and preach Good News! [gesture as though lifting something from the ground up into the air, then extend arms to the group]
Jesus sent us off one day...
To preach, to heal, to share, to pray...
Jesus sent us every place...
To share God's mercy, love and grace...
Leave behind your money...
Leave behind your bags...
Take off your sandals...
"peace be with you!"
"Come and stay a while, eat your fill!"
Cure the sick, and preach Good News!
"This is the Kingdom of God!"

Thursday, 29 August 2013

A Sad Song from Isaiah

Come let me tell you a story of my beloved and his Garden.  He had a garden on a fertile hill.  With love he dug it up, with hope he cleared it of stones and with gentle expectation he planted the best flowers and vegetables he could find.  With joy he built a gazebo where he could sit in the shade to watch over his garden, and in anticipation he placed a great table in the midst of it where he could process the bountiful harvest. 

Bring in the harvest!  Bring in the fruit!
Praise God with our voices, with cymbal and lute!
We are God's garden!  We are God's vine!
Our words and our actions are of God a sign!

He expected his garden to yield abundant, lush and healthy flowers, fruits and vegetables; but instead, it yielded only rot and ferment.  For many, many years, he tilled the soil, moved about the plants, increased the fertilizer, adjusted the moisture.  But still it yielded only rot and ferment. 

Bring in the harvest!  Bring in the fruit!
Praise God with our voices, with cymbal and lute!
We are God's garden!  We are God's vine!
Our words and our actions are of God a sign!

And so the gardener says, "You who are listening to me, you people in the pews, you be the judges between me and my garden.  What more is there for me to do than I haven't already done?  When I expected it to yield healthy fruit, why did it yield only rot and ferment?" 

Bring in the harvest!  Bring in the fruit!
Praise God with our voices, with cymbal and lute!
We are God's garden!  We are God's vine!
Our words and our actions are of God a sign!

"And I'll tell you what I'm going to do.  I will remove the hedge and let my garden go back to the earth;  I will break down the walls and let it be trampled by wild animals.  It will go fallow and will no longer be pruned or hoed.  It will grow over with weeds and thorns.  I will even command that the clouds not rain upon it."

Bring in the harvest!  Bring in the fruit!
Praise God with our voices, with cymbal and lute!
We are God's garden!  We are God's vine!
Our words and our actions are of God a sign!

The Garden of God is the People of God, and you are God's pleasant planting;  God expected justice, but saw only inequity; God expected compassion, but heard only greed.

Bring in the harvest!  Bring in the fruit!
Praise God with our voices, with cymbal and lute!
We are God's garden!  We are God's vine!
Our words and our actions are of God a sign!

We are the garden of God and we need to be honest with ourselves as we look at the world we have created.  Are we worthy fruit that God is pleased to harvest that bring justice, compassion and beauty to the world?  Or do our words and actions only produce inequity, greed and decay?

Bring in the harvest!  Bring in the fruit!
Praise God with our voices, with cymbal and lute!
We are God's garden!  We are God's vine!
Our words and our actions are of God a sign!

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Two Evils

Sing aloud, O People, to the Lord our God;
Shout for Joy, to the God of Israel!
Raise a song with tambourine and harp,
Blow the trumpet on the day of celebration!

Who called the world into being: the heavens and the earth, the stars and the Sun, the waters and the air?
Oh God, You did! 
Alleluia!  Praise God!

Who created the plants and the animals the fish and the birds?
Who made all the peoples of the earth and made them blessed?

Oh God, You did! 
Alleluia!  Praise God!
Who heard the people cry out in their distress and called on Moses to set them free?

Oh God, You did! 
Alleluia!  Praise God!
Who brought down the 10 plagues on Egypt when Pharaoh's heart was hard and he would not set the people free?

Oh God, You did! 
Alleluia!  Praise God!

Who lead the people out of Egypt in a pillar of smoke and a pillar of fire?

Oh God, You did! 
Alleluia!  Praise God!

Who parted the seas when the armies of Pharaoh pursued you?

Oh God, You did! 
Alleluia!  Praise God!

Who lead you through the wilderness and fed you on quail and manna?  Who brought forth water from the rock?  Who gave you a law and a land and hope for the future?

Oh God, You did! 
Alleluia!  Praise God!

Who did?

Oh God, You did! 
Alleluia!  Praise God!

Who did?

Oh God, You did! 
Alleluia!  Praise God!

Then what wrong do you find in me that you go your own way?  Why do you chase after worthless things and yourselves become worthless?  Why do you defile the land and make my inheritance something shameful?    Why do your law makers not know me and your rulers transgress against me?  Why do your prophets speak for Corporations, celebrities and politicians  and not for me?

My people have committed two evils:
They have forsaken me, the fountain of living water,
And have built for themselves cracked cisterns that cannot hold water.

Prophetic Resistance

There are some parts of today's story that get repeated over and over and you are welcome to say them with me... 
God sent a messenger to Sarah and said to her, “Sarah, you are going to have a baby boy?”

And Sarah burst out laughing and said,

Not me, Lord, Not me!… (That's a part you can say with me, "Not me, Lord, Not me!")

“I'm to old to bear children!”

And God responded:

I know, I made you;
I'll be here, I will deliver you. (That's another part you can say with me, "I know, I made you; I'll be here, I will deliver you.")

Sarah had a baby boy and named him Isaac which means, “Makes me laugh.”

Many years later God appeared to Moses in a bush that burned but was not consumed and said, “I have heard my people cry.  I will send you to tell Pharaoh to set my people free.”

And Moses said, 

Not me, Lord, Not me!

“I’m a murderer and I c-c-cant speak well!”

And God responded:

I know, I made you;
I'll be here, I will deliver you.
And Moses went and led God’s people to freedom.

Many, many years later, God spoke to Isaiah and said, “I’m not at all happy with the way my people are living.  They are not just; they ignore widows and neglect orphans.  I will sent you to call my people back to the covenant I made with them in the wilderness.”

And Isaiah said,  

Not me, Lord, Not me!

“I'm a sinner from a community that revels in sin!”

And God responded:

I know, I made you;
I'll be here, I will deliver you.

So Isaiah went and told the people what God wanted them to hear.

Around about the same time, God spoke to Ezekiel saying, “I’m not happy with how my people are living.  I want you to tell them that if they don’t shape up, I’m going to send armies against them!”

 And Ezekiel said,  

Not me, Lord, Not me!

“I wouldn't know what to say.”

And God responded:

I know, I made you;
I'll be here, I will deliver you.
And God gave Ezekiel words to say and Ezekiel proclaimed them.

 And again, God spoke to Jonah saying, “I’m not happy with those people up in Nineveh, I’m sending you to tell them that I’m going to wipe them out.  But if they listen to your warning and change their ways, I will bless them instead.”

And Jonah said,

 Not me, Lord, Not me!

 “Those sinners deserve to burn in hell, I'm not going to be responsible for their redemption!”

And God responded:

I know, I made you;
I'll be here, I will deliver you.
And we all know what happened to Jonah…

God spoke to Jeremiah saying, “What have I done wrong that the people go after worthless things making themselves worthless?  Call the people back to my promise.  Tell them to change their ways.”

And Jeremiah said,

Not me, Lord, Not me!

“I'm too young.”

And God responded:

I know, I made you;
I'll be here, I will deliver you.

[insert the name of you] Church, It's time for you to change your ways.  The world is different than it was 50 years ago, and you must find a new way to express your faith!"
And we say:
"Not us, Lord, Not us!

What are our objections?
Too old
Too tired
Too lazy
Not enough of us
Don't know how
The like the old way better
We don't want to change
All of the above
And what is God's response to us?