Thursday, 31 October 2013

Daniel had a dream

"No! No! No!"
"Yes! Yes!  Yes!"

Daniel was a wise prophet who always prayed to God and kept God's laws.  When God called on Daniel, Daniel always said, Yes!  Yes!  Yes!  When foolish kings tried to stop Daniel from acknowledging his God, Daniel always said, No!  No!  No!

One night, Daniel had a dream and he wrote it down.

The waters were stirred up by a mighty wind and four great horrific beasts rose from the deeps.  No!  No!  No!
One was like a lion with eagles' wings that walked like a human on two feet.  No!  No!  No!
The second was like a bear with three tusks in its mouth.  No!  No!  No!
The third was like a leopard with four wings of a black bird and four heads.  No!  No!  No!
The fourth was terrifying and dreadful beyond description, exceedingly strong.  It had great teeth that were devouring and breaking and feet that were stomping and crushing.  It had ten horns and spoke arrogantly.  No!  No!  No!

The four beasts took dominion over the land and ruled it with terror.  No!  No!  No!

As Daniel watched the Ancient of One, dressed in pure white with hair like wool,  took his seat upon a great throne.   From the Ancient One radiated fire and light.  The Ancient One was attended by thousands and tens of thousands who sang praises and bowed down before him.
The Thousands and tens of thousands bowed to the Ancient One and said, Yes!  Yes!  Yes!
The Ancient looked out over the thousands and tens of thousands attending him.  The Ancient One said, Yes!  Yes!  Yes!
The Ancient One looked out over the sea and all creation and said, Yes!  Yes!  Yes! 
The Ancient One held court, opened the books and sitting in judgement said, Yes!  Yes!  Yes!

The Ancient One looked to the beast that had risen from the deeps and said, No!  No!  No!

As Daniel watched the great beast was put to death and the beast cried out, No!  No!  No!

But the thousands and tens of thousands cried out, Yes!  Yes!  Yes!

Dominion was taken away from the other four beasts and the beasts cried out, No!  No! No!

But the thousands and tens of thousands cried out, Yes!  Yes!  Yes!

As Daniel's dream continued, he saw one like a human being coming with the clouds of heaven.  And he came to the Ancient One and was presented before him.  He bowed to the Ancient One and said, Yes!  Yes!  Yes!

To him was given dominion and glory and kingship.  His dominion is an everlasting dominion that shall not pass away, and his kingship is one that shall never be destroyed.  And the thousands and tens of thousands said, Yes!  Yes!  Yes!

Daniel was trouble for the visions terrified him.  So he approached on of the attendants to ask him concerning the dream and he said, "As for these four great beasts, trouble and pain, power and suffering, wealth and greed, oppression and hunger will come and go from the earth.  Kingdoms and empires, dynasties and alliances all come to an end.  But God's love is forever and the holy ones of the Most High shall rule forever and ever, without end."

And the thousands and tens of thousands say, Yes!  Yes!  Yes!

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