Monday, 7 September 2015

Lady Wisdom Cries Out

This is the story for Year B Proper 19, Proverbs 1:20-33.  The figure pieces are Lady Wisdom, a marketplace, city gates, and four groups of people.

I wonder if you have ever had something important to tell people, but no one would listen to you.  I wonder how it made you feel that no one would listen to the important thing you had to say.
This is a story about a woman who has something important for everyone to hear.
Her name is Lady Wisdom.  In Greek, her name is Sophia and in Hebrew, her name is Hohkma.
Listen!  Lady Wisdom  is in the street, [place Lady Wisdom in the center of the storyboard] in the marketplace [place the marketplace in an upper corner] and on the busiest street corners.  She is at the entrance to the city gates.  [place the city gates opposite the marketplace]
Wherever there were lots of people, there was Lady wisdom calling out.  [place four groups of people surrounding Lady Wisdom]
"Fools!" she says, "How long will you be foolish? How long will you make fun of important news?  I want to tell you about God.  But you won't listen.  I want to share wise things with you, but you walk away!  Listen to me.  When you are afraid, God is with you.  When your world is troubled, God will keep you safe."
But no one listened to her.  Some people laughed.  Others walked away. [remove two groups of people]
"You laugh at me and you don't listen.  When something bad happens, you won't know how to talk to God.  If you keep ignoring me, when you need help, you won't know that God is there.  When trouble comes like a whirlwind and you are distressed and anguished, you won't be able to find God."
Nobody listened to Lady Wisdom.  They all just kept going in their busy lives. [remove two more groups of people leaving Lady Wisdom alone on the story board]
So Lady Wisdom kept calling out, hoping someone would hear her.
I wonder what part of that story you liked most.
I wonder what the most important part of that story is.
I wonder what part of that story you are experiencing right now.
I wonder what part of that story could be left out.

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